

Hello world welcome to my web site. I live and work in the best place in Australia, Adelaide the capital of South Australia. I share my office with my "business partners" Mr Jax the puppy labrador, we actually have the same birthday so my 50th and his 1st was a great day, Jax reminds me to get up and play throughout the day. My other staff members are Mr Skooter the elder and Mr Mitch the younger 2 wonderful pussy cats that think my Wacom tablet is a platform for them to demand cuddles and the keyboard is that clicky thing that they so love, no work day is without fun and cuddles and love, i just have to wrestle back control of my business from Mr Skooter as last year he did a takeover, I am just an employee now and not the CEO, buggar!.

I have been photographing since the mid 80's starting in 35mm film before progressing to medium format and eventually digital. Although i love the freedom to shoot as much as we want with digital, I do miss the excitement that came with printing my own images in a darkroom. I still get great joy seeing an image appear before my eyes, and that thrill is the same as when i processed my first roll of film, and printed my first image all those years ago.

Over the years I have learnt a great deal about running a modern photography business. It is for that reason that some 12 + years ago I value added to my business by learning more about ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and eventually the fantastic image processing and archiving abilities of ADOBE LIGHTROOM, literally a darkroom on a computer. This has lead to me creating a range of retro inspired graphic design posters on aviation, steam trains and tractors. I love designing so much now, and have to admit i am still learning, and discovering new techniques that enrich my business as a progressive and adaptable model it is today.

SEADOGPRINTS is part of ADAM LEE PHOTOS. I have photographed for the publishing industry with over 1500 published images across 15 books. Two of these books I was author in both images and text, with the remainder I supplied 100% of the images and extensive research to bring them to print. Throughout my career I have accumulated an extensive library from film to digital, covering old aeroplanes, jets military & commercial, tractors from old to modern, steam trains, Australian Birds & Flora. SEADOGPRINTS covers my direct to public release of select images and retro designed prints from this library covering "I LOVE TRACTORS", "AEROPLANE" & "STEAMRAIL" SERIES and ADAMLEEPHOTOS is my image library where publishers, newspapers and graphic designers can purchase licensed images for commercial projects.

I hope the above has given you an insight into me and my business, i have always said "when you love what you do and do what you love, you will never work a single day" Thank you for visiting and if you have any questions please feel free to use the contact page. Adam Lee 2021